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hey mazal tov to me! now i’m really 21!!!!!!! brachos to all for a fulfilling life full of kedusha and simcha and yiras shamayim gezunt chaveiros tovos/chaveirim tovim fulfilling relationships,menuchas hanefesh shalom bayis the ability to be kovesh your yetzer hara, the ability to always see the good in every situation.those who need a refuah or yeshuah of any kind, should experience it very soon. those who are in the parsha should find their zivug hagun bkarov and build a bayis ne’eman b’yisroel filled with kedusha and ahava and menucha and many beautiful and kadosh children who reach great spiritual heights and follow in the path of the Torah. Those who have children and grandchildren should see only nachas from them. may all your tefillos be answered l’tova and may we all be zoche to meet in yerushalaim very very soon and be united with Hashem b’mheira v’yameinu amen!