Reply To: Suggestions to Improve YWN

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Pashuteh Yid

Dear Mods and Tech Support,

I realize I have been able to post in the Coffee Room. My problem is on the main YW news page. I believe I have not had a post that was put through in at least a month or two. Can you check on that and refer me to my latest post there? Just today I tried to post the following on the Rabbi Avi Weiss story, but do not see that it went through. I am wondering if I have been banned from there. I reposted it, but got the msg, “Duplicate comment detected. It looks like you have already said that.”

Please help and let me know what the problem is. If I have been banned, I fully accept it, but would at least like to know what is going on. I have recently installed a bunch of Windows Updates and checked my settings and do not see anything wrong.

You need to contact YW Editor here: