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You have the bechira on how to spend your time. Even if it is hard to fathom why being nice to a guy is something you cannot be, I am guessing that you still care about tznius. So think about that for one thing because if it is important to you then maybe it is worth it to consider it a challenge to work on.

Also. There is the thing about learning Torah in my humble opinion.

The more your light grows, so does the tricky yetzar hara. Your good middah strength of seeing the good in others will also grow stronger. So will the yetzar hara’s power over convincing you to use your TIME in a way against what you really want.

Remember that your nisayon in life may be different than that of your friends and family. Truth is that it is unique.

Your tests are special for you. Hashem needs you to harness your strength. Some people may have the nisayon of being more generous and kind to a fellow Jew. Others may have to work on focusing more on themselves and holding back.