Reply To: Home-baked Cookies in MM

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Recipes Purim Recipes Home-baked Cookies in MM Reply To: Home-baked Cookies in MM

🍫Syag Lchochma

Thank you Meno, I was starting to find this thread really disturbing. To think some communities have reached a point where people don’t want other people’s home baked goods and people have to buy things whether they can afford it or not because they need to worry about who trusts them…

Meno you are so right, send what works for you, and let your friends accept it lovingly and make their own decisions.

B”H I receive boxes and boxes of people’s mishloach manot after purim to redistribute and there are still plenty of people sending homebaked goods. Having to prepare and give mishloach manot with the underlying concern that people don’t trust your kashrus is about as ironic as it gets for anyone who understands why this mitzvah exists.