Reply To: Home-baked Cookies in MM

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Lilmod Ulelamaid

Meno – That is true. I had seen the point as being about a way to go “lifnim meshuras hadin” and show extra consideration by not sending them something they can’t eat even though there is nothing wrong with doing so (as I pointed out previously).

Although, as you pointed out, perhaps making something home-baked could itself be seen as a way of going “lifnim meshuras hadin” by making something that is more yummy for those who do eat it.

Personally, for me the dilemma would be about whether or not to eat it. As I mentioned in another thread, my (practically) only taavos are for things that can be eaten or read 🙂

I imagine that would not be a dilemma for most other adults. What might be a dilemma for some is figuring out if they should let the kids have it.