Reply To: about the protest in yerushalaim

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@apushuta yid
@everyone else too

As someone who actually LIVES in this country, this is my insight on the matter:

1. Besides for the fact the army is anti chareidi, and the fact that there are thousands of boys and girls together on bases, the government is now trying to create mixed BATTALIONS. Young women and men in the same group, sleeping together, etc. This is a new update and the dati leumi and mizrachim are also against this and are trying to fight it. Although we are against the army as a whole, this takes things to a new level for someone who is going to go to the army and wants to be any type of religious.

2. There is a HUGE difference between a protest, and defacing property, being destructive, etc. I don’t beleive the gedolim ever instructed anyone to beat up women, wreck buses, throw tear gas, fire crackers, etc.

Have you ever seen a protest in the USA? They are not like that. I can tell you right now that the real bnei torah are not the people looking for an excuse to burn garbage cans. Most of the bochurim causing destruction are doing it without the excuse of a protest. There are thousands and thousands of normal people actually doing a protest (as can be seen on a video on YWN news where you can see big rabanim talking to thousands about what a horrible thing this is..etc)

3. If people think this is a chilul hashem either out of ignorance of what are values are, or ignorance of knowing what a chilul hashem is, that is not YWN news’s problem. You know, people throw out the term chilul hashem. Do you honestly care that much about Hashem’s name to feel that these people are desecrating it? Or do you just ‘feel’ it’s wrong to protest and be so loud?

4. Come to Israel. If you want to get anything done…you need to protest. Example: bus strikes, garbage strikes for weeks, ummm remember the government promised the settlement of Amona a new settlement…that hasn’t happened. Some families are on a food strike. That’s how you get people to nitce you here. Again I will say there is a huge difference between a protest and being descructive.