Reply To: about the protest in yerushalaim

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Little Froggie

LuL: You’re not being for real here, are you? You don’t really mean to equate a by-product of an event (i.e. a presidential appearance, traffic) to a deliberate action MEANT PURPOSEFULLY to harm others. And DAVKA others – as terrorists do. Read my post before. I don’t know which land it’s the norm – other than in Sodom! A protest, demonstration (even on a daily basis!) I would hear (actually I do hear – I have a son living IN it, directly above those cute little Froggies being burnt daily!), but harming by deliberate intent is wrong and Assur. And there’s no Heter for it. And it’s pure Lashon Hara to say they asked a Sha’alo, you’re Motzi Shem Ra on the Rav who gave permission.