Reply To: about the protest in yerushalaim

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“So you think inconveniencing some people is fine, ”
I wouldnt say “fine” but sometimes it is neccesary

“but inconveniencing many people is comparable to terrorism?”

Um no. I explictly said the opposite. (see: “highlights how your comparison (much like the comparison to terrosim) is absurd”)

“there is no rational way to deal with these people… this isnt a rational protest over a real issue. This is pure mayhem for the sake of mayhem”

Um yeah that was what I said. so we agree?

“And you’re a terrorist, so there.”

Ok, i’ll bite/ How did you reach that profound conclusion?

“ridiculous comparisons, ”
werent you the one who compared protesting for a draft registration that existed for decades to protesting terrorism?

“vile name-calling”
werent you the one who called me a terrorist?