Reply To: being edited by the MODS

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Lilmod Ulelamaid

“According to that statement the person who’s lashon hora was deleted would still need to be informed so they could do tshuva.”

Very true, and I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. My point was that if the l”h was not public, the “mussar” should be given privately since there is no toeles to its being public and it can actually do harm since others might assume that l”h was spoken about them and it causes ill-will amongst people.

There is also less of a toeles involved in such a case since the l”h doesn’t have to be gotten rid of. When I speak out against l”h, my point is to get rid of the l”h which would not be relevant in such a case.

On the other hand, if the l”h is public, then the mussar has to be public so that all those reading it will be aware that it is l”h. And so that someone will do something about it and get rid of it.

The moderators have the ability to choose what is made public and what is made private. If they feel that something is l”h, they can choose not to post it and to give the mussar privately (if they feel it is necessary).