Reply To: “Yom HaShoah”-A Zionist Fraud

Home Forums Controversial Topics “Yom HaShoah”-A Zionist Fraud Reply To: “Yom HaShoah”-A Zionist Fraud


“We do not make special azkaros for the entire nation except 9 Av.”

OK so if we exclude Sefardim it would be ok?

I ouldnt have made it in Nissan if they asked for my vote but your distiction between aveilus and yom hazikaronn is contrived at best. Nobody is asking you to fast on yom hashoah.
This idea that choosing a day “cheapens the true azkara of the source of all our Tazros” is so silly. Nobody is saying to to mourn Tisha baav, On Tisha Baav we DO mourn all the tragedies that befell our people including the holocaust and fast and sit on the floor etc. But choosing another day to commemorate the recent holocaust that was above and beyond anything perpetrated in the past (if you dont understand why i’d be happy to explain this to you, often some confusion seems to stem from lack of understanding what made the holocaust unique)

“And mentioning that Rabbonim discouraged European Yidden to leave for America in the 1920s”
Sadly it was in the 30’s and 40’s too. Though I agree it has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

“Also for those claiming this information shouldn’t be publicized because they don’t like what it says,”
Nobody claimed that. Like all your posts it is more lies and strawmen, please stop.

“Everyone agrees that the holocaust should be commemorated ”

This isnt quite true