Reply To: “Yom HaShoah”-A Zionist Fraud

Home Forums Controversial Topics “Yom HaShoah”-A Zionist Fraud Reply To: “Yom HaShoah”-A Zionist Fraud


(1)There was no collective Nazi vote but there was mass Nazi participation. It was not something only a few individuals were involved in or had a say about

(2)No. I never suggested that. I do not believe that had the ransom money been given to the Nazis they would have kept their word.(I’m unaware of anytime they kept their word with individuals either)

(3)I’ve seen those claims being made but with very little evidence. At most they quoted some Zionist as saying that they will be able to build their state because of the holocaust. Never in the context of “let’s make sure the Yiddin are killed so we can achieve that goal”

(4)Telling President Roosevelt not to meet with the Rabbis March, making efforts to sabotage the rescue work of Peter Bergson (a Zionist), trying to prevent food packages being smuggled to the European ghettos etc. is no better than what the Zionist are accused of. But since it was done by non or anti-Zionist who wanted to show what loyal American they were it is never mentioned by the anti zionist crowd

I will not respond further on this thread to anyone