Reply To: Nationalism 🇮🇱

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Avi K

Simcha, as a matter of fact, the Chatam Sofer says (Sukka 36a) that all work in EY, especially agricultural, is part of the mitzva of building the Land and pushes off talmud Torah (he asks rhetorically if a man would refrain from putting on tefillin in order to continue learning).

According to Rambam (at the end of Hilchot Melachim) we will concentrate on learning and the other nations will do the work. All will have knowledge of Hashem and want to do His will. This seems like a pluralistic nationalism (note that Rambam uses the word “nations” which seems to imply that there will still be various nations) whereby each nation maintains its separateness in its own land and thus contributes to the world according to its unique characteristics. We will be the lawgivers and (while not all agree the Rema says in Tesuva 10 that their obligation in dinim is to adopt all of Choshen Mishpat).