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response to #1& #2
Please go back and read the original post, these girls have not been in school for weeks, not a few days
#3 Motions for changes in custody in Family Court can usually be heard the same day they are filed (Ex-Parte Motion) or next business day with both parties present. Because the scenario I laid out states the children have been out of school, no set date exists for their return and no alternate school has been chosen AND the father only seeks physical custody until the end of the school year, the motion will be viewed as an emergency and most Judges would hear it ex-parte without the mother having to be present. It would take almost no effort to have a case worker from DCF testify that the children are not receiving a proper education.
#4 is solved with a doctor’s note, AGAIN the OP states weeks, not a few days.

Remember, I don’t claim to be an expert on all types of law, and always preface my opinions that I practice here in Connecticut (but am also licensed in Massachusetts and Florida, BUT I have practiced Family Law (Marriage, divorce, adoption, custody, wills and trusts) for almost 40 years and have also taught these courses as an adjunct professor in law school.

The fact that a Frum couple doesn’t usually use the civil courts doesn’t mean that a social services agency might not get involved and do so.