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This is a letter from a parent of several children in yeshivas. We have trouble financially and even qualify for government assistance. Yet the yeshivas are charging us such that we don’t know how we can manage. Besides the agreed tuition amounts we also are pressed to pay about $500 for school lunches per child because the school “needs” to order catered food, about $500 per child for shabbatons and trips and of course about $500 for registration. In contrast public schools are free with free lunches.
I understand Baruch Hashem many members go to hotels in Florida or Las Vegas for several Yomim Tovim and have new cars for each family member. But what should struggling families do? Are the yeshivas truly taking adantage of the free aid given to private schools to alleviate the burden on struggling but loyal Jewish families? Is there a need for coach bus trips to ther states a few times a year or catered lunches when it can be free? Is this a community Yeshiva or a country club? When I was studying in yeshiva I did not realize it may be a “privilidged school”.