Reply To: What's the secret to a good cholent?

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Recipes Shabbos Recipes Shabbos Lunch What's the secret to a good cholent? Reply To: What's the secret to a good cholent?


Is it worth it to get slow cooker just for Shabbos?

Then again maybe getting one just got Shabbos will show me how awesome they are and then I will end up using it more often and it will be wonderful?

It just seems like it would take up a lot of counter space, and my cabinet storage is prob not an option.

Can you make chulent in a veggie streamer rice cooker? It turns the cooker part off after the liquid is dried up and then keeps the food warm all Shabbos. Though if the food is thicker soupy like chulent it may just burn at the bottom, and then turn off automatically while the food is still liquidy.

Thank you 🙂