Reply To: Ponevezh Bans Technology 🚫📱🚫🖥️🚫🥔

Home Forums Computers / Electronics / Online Technology Ponevezh Bans Technology 🚫📱🚫🖥️🚫🥔 Reply To: Ponevezh Bans Technology 🚫📱🚫🖥️🚫🥔


Every society and religious group has their own “Luddites” who have spiritual and moral concerns with innovations and new technology. While many of us disagree with the decision of the Rosh Yeshiva, I doubt this policy will result in empty seats in the beis medrash since there are more bochurim seeking admission than can possibly be accommodated. Putting aside the obvious issue that those coming out of this yeshiva will lack basic skills for a parnassah,, many of the most exciting and original thoughts in the world of torah learning are only available on the internet so they are denying their students access to daas torah from the next generation of more computer friendly talmedei chachamim.