Reply To: Should frum children have a library card? ✡️👪📚💳

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Should frum children have a library card? ✡️👪📚💳 Reply To: Should frum children have a library card? ✡️👪📚💳

Lilmod Ulelamaid

When I was around 12, my older sister had a book in her possession which she decided was treif so she didn’t want it in her room, so she put it in my room instead and told me not to read it (?!).
After I read it (and told her), she yelled at me for reading it. I thought that was ridiculous – hello, don’t put a book in my room and expect me not to read it!!!

It actually wasn’t even that bad (and it even had a moral). I’m just making the point that you can’t put a book in front of some people and expect them not to read it, but I have never heard of a supermarket being a yetzer hara for anyone Frum.