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Home Forums Tefilla / Davening I Hope Trump Gets Impeached 🎺🍑 Reply To: I Hope Trump Gets Impeached 🎺🍑



I dont think you know what a hypocrite is. Nothing you mention in your post is hypocritical. On th eother hand if you criticise Obama for being “born in Kenya” or Bush for whitewater or Paula Jones you ARE being a hypocrite, since here you take the strange view that Once elected things done prior to being President arent relevant

Im not sure what you mean by “The Democrats” One outlet (Time) reported that a bust of MLK was removed, a few hours later he apologized.
Regarding the suprem court, yes the Democrats acted like Babies, but can you blame them the seat was stolen. (I dont think anybody disptues this) You can argue that it is better for the country that it was stolen, if reveresed the Democrats wouldve stolen it to. But none of this changes the fact that the seat was Obama’s to fill. OF course the Democrats would act out “BEFORE THEY EVEN KNEW WHO THE PICK WAS” The rpublicans did the same with Gerland.

“This just proves that the democrats don’t care about the country’s success. They just care that trump fails”
As Ct lawyer aptly pointed out. Trump was a failure at day one. His success is his brand/image nothing more. and his brand/image is not something most peope (even many of his supporters) want in the whitehouse let alone as the face of the country