Reply To: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night?

Home Forums Local New York City What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? Reply To: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night?


To the poster that said that ten minutes is not a long time.

The fact that outside of the city it takes 30 minutes for EMS to arrive, does not mean that this patient needs to get this substandard ETA.

It takes much less than ten minutes for a patient that went into cardiac arrest to be beyond the point of resuscitation. even two minutes is to long.

Hatzalah is known for its very short response time, this was clearly a nature in which not only minutes can change the outcome of this patient its the seconds that matter.

Todays standard of care is to have pit crew non-stop CPR, you need a full crew and you need it early for successful resuscitation.

Yes, people die even with short response times, long response times just makes sure they do not even have a chance. This is one of the perils people living outside of larger cities have to deal with.