Reply To: How come all frum Jews today aren’t Chassidic?

Home Forums Bais Medrash How come all frum Jews today aren’t Chassidic? Reply To: How come all frum Jews today aren’t Chassidic?


GAON, thanks for asking me to clarify.

Basically to me, Chassidism is about bringing joy into serving Hashem and everything we do. Torah strengthens our relationship with Hashem and we must unite our hearts minds and actions with the proper joyful kavana when we perform mitzvot.

Background: Recently I talked to my Rebbetzin about how sometimes when I listen to shiurim, I feel terribly guilty afterward. Even if I do more mitzvot after, I still feel horrible and like I don’t do enough or learn enough and am not enough.

My rebbetzin said that I need to listen to more Chassidish shiurim, because Torah brings joy and light. It is not healthy if learning is making me distressed. Then it dawned on me, what shiurim am I listening to? When I listen to shiurim on Chassidut, I generally feel more inspired and positive afterward.

Thus, I wanted to know how it is possible to be a non-Chassidic Jew – according to my perception/definition – and see Torah observance with love and positivity.

Thank you