Reply To: How come all frum Jews today aren’t Chassidic?

Home Forums Bais Medrash How come all frum Jews today aren’t Chassidic? Reply To: How come all frum Jews today aren’t Chassidic?

Avi K

Assurnet, there is nothing wrong with dancing – at the proper time (and not in the middle of the street while the loudspeakers on the van are blaring at millions of decibels). However, that is not the main part of Judaism. There is a joke that Hashem called Matan Torah for 8 AM. The Mitnaggdim came at 8, received the Torah, learned a seder and then danced. The Chassidim then arrived and thought that that is the Torah (BTW, several times I went to a certain shtieblach to daven Mincha Gedola at the earliest time and found a mninyan davening Shacharit). In fact, the Baal HaTanya saved Chassidut when he stopped the populism and told people to buckle down and learn.

Apushatayid, learn Messilat Yesharim. A chassid goes way above and beyond – after first achieving zehirut (intellectual examination) zerizut (doing positive mitzvot) and nekiut (not being over on lavim) and perishut (going somewhat above and beyond). However, one must learn at a high intelelectual level to even think about this. I heard that
אין עם הארץ חסיד means that he is not allowed to be a chassid as he will be a chassid shoteh.