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LB: Your question is not new; basically goes to the core of what the debate was between the misnagdim and the chasidim 200 – 300 years ago and still true to this very day.
Your question “how do frum Jews grow up loving and enjoying Torah without Chassidus?” Because we learned from our Roshei Yeshivos, Menahalim, and Rabbeim; we learned from the gedolim of yesteryear and the gedolim of today. Read the biographies of R’ Ahron Kotler, R Moshe Feinstein, R’ Yaakov Kamenetsky, R’ Elchonon Wasserman, R’ Chaim Ozer Grodzensky, The Chazon Ish, R’ Chaim Pinchas Sheinberg, (and the list goes on). I don’t think any of them would be considered “chasidim” as we define the term today; yet each one of then had a simchas hachayim that cannot be easily described.