Reply To: Rumor about Ivanka Trump Spurs conversation about Geirus

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Mr. Goren purported to invalidate a completely kosher and valid conversion to fulfill his campaign promise to do exactly that. His ideologies today, hypocritically, get bent out of shape saying that it isn’t possible to declare a previously purported conversion invalid when a real beis din found that thousands of Russian purported converts, who were in fact unconverted pork eaters, as having been invalid. They today choose to ignore their Goren precedent. In the Goren case, the true convert was a shomer Torah u’Mitzvos who davened every day from when he become a ger tzedek until he was niftar, unlike the falsities of the Goren supporters claiming he didn’t know kriyas shma or went to church. That’s why Maran HaGaon HaRav Eliyashiv zt’l declared Goren’s farce a travesty and resigned.