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Home Forums Local New York City What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? Reply To: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night?


“That’s nice! A lot of people like to play Russian Roulette. How many of those 70 grand are real emergencies?
I admit they do save lives. Nowadays they train laymen to use AED’s, it doesn’t mean they are medical professionals when they regain a pulse.”
Wow the more you write the more obvious it is that you haven’t a clue as to what pre-hospital care is. How do you define real emergency. Yes some calls are not as serious as others but even on those calls Hatzoloh responders volunteer to take time out of their schedules to help. Do you know how many hours of training an emt needs to be certified or how many months a paramedic needs? How many lives saved do you think make it worth for Hatzoloh to exist? Do you understand the concept of being Nosei B’ol Chaveiro? The concept of being a Kafuy Tov? Apparently not because you condemn the thousands of hours a year that Hatzoloh volunteers dedicate out of love of their fellow Jew. You do say for the right price you have the ability to run the organization. You really don’t sound like you are that advanced in whatever “medical” field you are in.

“Change that to – most providers are bad and a minority are Ok!”
So you have seen the outcome of at least 35001 calls a year or is that also hatred? So all the 70,000 times they were called is because people just want lousy care, or are you in the Miut Shebmiuta who think this way?

“Stop with your lying! I wrote – I didn’t blame them for not accepting me, because I was single at that time! I’m against them because of their lousey care.”
Who is being disingenuous now? You don’t have to say you are bitter your tone screams it. Lousy care? You can’t believe that as a general Klal or maybe again you don’t but your hatred/bitterness blinds you to reality.
Interesting how you believe the whole organization is bad because you saw .0001% of their calls and in your professional opinion whatever profession that is they were lousy. When it comes to EN and you read about two calls you protect them tooth and nail even though that would be a much larger percentage of lousy calls.
I think you should be humble when talking about Herschel Weber are you responsible for even a fraction of the amount of lives he has saved?