Reply To: Rumor about Ivanka Trump Spurs conversation about Geirus

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If the Jewish groom eats in non-kosher restaurants and travels on Shabbos, and she’s converting so she can marry him and intends to also eat in non-kosher restaurants that he took her on dates before she became Jewish, and otherwise like her Jewish groom intends to not observe the same mitzvos he doesn’t, that isn’t a valid kabbalos ohel mitzvos. It is no different than a Conservative conversion. Even if the people she’s relying on call themselves Orthodox.

Are you arguing that if a potential convert relied on Conservative Jews her conversion is valid even though the Rabbis she is relying on are wrong for permitting some of the abovementioned? Or that it is LH/HSR to say a Conservative conversion isn’t valid? Or that to make it valid they just have to call themselves Orthodox instead of calling themselves Conservative?