Reply To: Rumor about Ivanka Trump Spurs conversation about Geirus

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I don’t think this conversation is fair to Yael (her Jewish name). She is an earnest and seems to be an honest person. If she was indeed born Jewish (which her mother sure looks like it might be true), the conversation should be over. If not, we should give her the benefit of the doubt, she is progressing, and raising two beautiful children that should not be harmed. When Mashiach finally reveals himself, he is able to declare who is a Jew by his spiritual power of smell. It is not fair for a Georess to be judged by bullet-proof stockings, sheitel or tichel, plus many other humrus. That she is Shomeres Shabbat, keeps kosher and the chagim is sufficient. After all, many a woman has been told, the only criteria in choosing a husband should be that “he is Shomer Shabbat”. And that leaves a lot to be desired for criteria. We Jews should leave the Kushners alone, and eliminate any suspicion of lashon hara, et al.