Reply To: Rumor about Ivanka Trump Spurs conversation about Geirus

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Please don’t slander MO by saying “I think there’s a tendency…” If you don’t know, don’t even speculate. It’s pure lashon harah.
I can tell you that recently, I asked my Rav about this issue, because I had to attend a business dinner at a non-kosher restaurant. I was told I could bring my own food, but they didn’t want me to eat it out of a pan, as they are a high-class restaurant, and they wanted to serve it on their own plates.
My Rav told me that if I get cold food, I could ask them to cover the bottom of the plate with some Romaine lettuce leaves (big ones, not chopped) that were rinsed, and I could put the food on top of it. If I had hot food, it was not an option. Thankfully, after speaking further with the restaurant, they allowed me to use some nice plastic plates which I purchased.
You also said 90% of MO women don’t cover their hair. Again, a total falsehood. Where do you get your information from? I’d say that 90% of married women in my shul DO cover their hair.