Reply To: Rumor about Ivanka Trump Spurs conversation about Geirus

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“Unless your argument is that because some people who are considered Orthodox don’t keep certain halachos, she assumes that those are not really halachos.”

I assumed that is the argument.

IF the kabbalah is real even if the person doesnt know what they are being mekabel, presumably the geirus would work. Isnt that the ultimate Naaseh Venishma.

I am by no means well versed in hilchos geirus, but my understanding is that having them live like frum Jews is relatively new (in fact I beleive some (R’ Akiva Eiger?) say it is assur to teach them Torah before conversion)
Isnt there is a tosfos that discusses a Ger who never heard of hilchos shabbos? Yet geirus was good
(do you know what I am referring to or am I remembering wrong?)