Reply To: Peanut Ban in Schools 🚫🥜🏫💉

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Peanut Ban in Schools 🚫🥜🏫💉 Reply To: Peanut Ban in Schools 🚫🥜🏫💉

🍫Syag Lchochma

I was assuming you had read the comments and were responding to them. I think that most of my frustration (as always) is due to posters who are unwilling to leave their daled amos and accept that even though THEY can’t understand the issue, there might still be one. To me, and MANY others who are acutely aware of the ill effects the peanut ban has on some kids/families it is like walking up to a childless couple and telling them how lucky they are to have all this quality time together. And then patting themselves on the back for their support and empathy.
I no longer expect others to get it, but I have been shocked at how vehemently and condescendingly some people (less then a handful thankfully) can be toward someone else’s struggle just because they themselves don’t have the capacity to visualize it.