Reply To: Peanut Ban in Schools 🚫🥜🏫💉

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Peanut Ban in Schools 🚫🥜🏫💉 Reply To: Peanut Ban in Schools 🚫🥜🏫💉

YWN reader

What about Bein Adam L’Chaveiro?
I have a child with a severe milk allergy in High School. When they had a program with Dairy, she spent the next lesson in the yard, because the whole school smelled of chocolate milk. Most people can’t smell dairy, but it makes her itch in her throat, Touching dairy is worse. And eating dairy is anaphalactic.
She is a totally normal girl, who can’t eat dairy.
Why can’t we all think of others who have to cope daily with the not so easy task of being allergic?! What about the fine print on packaging? Marshmellows that are made from fish products (for those allergic to fish)? Etc.?
The school has a tremedous responsibility to children with special health needs (i.e. allergies, diabetes, etc). They want their children safe.
If a parent doesn’t like it, send their child to another school. Aren’t the children in school to learn middos and derech eretz? Derech Eretz kadma L’Torah. If you don’t like it – leave!