Reply To: Pilgrim Jews

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The traditional boundaries have blurred with the advent of cable TV and the availability of Red Sox games on about 23 of the 27 cable franchises in the state.
In the early 1960s, my father had 15 children’s clothing stores throughout CT. In the Hartford, West Hartford and Bloomfield stores they stocked Yankee Baseball caps and zip up poplin jackets, in East Hartford and Manchester they stocked the items with the Red Sox logo. His stores in New Haven county only carried the Yankee items and his two branches in Springfield, Mass carried Red Sox.
There is ONE major Exception city in CT. New Britain (west of Hartford) was heavily Red Sox territory. It was a predominantly Polish-American city and they were Loyal supporters of Carl Yazstremski who starred for the Red Sox from 1961-1983.

What any of this has to do with Jewish Pilgrims, I don’t know, but many Jews are proud New Englanders