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@Das Yochid continued
Catholic elementary, middle and high schools are NOT independent entities as Yeshivos are. They may be attached to a particular parish, but are owned and operated by the Diocese.
As such there are collections for the schools in churches throughout the diocese and the funds allocated from a central office (this is on top of tuition collected by the school).
There are 2 dioceses in CT. This coming school year they will have closed another 20+ schools due to low enrollment and combined them. The nearby town of Monroe, CT is losing its only Catholic school as enrollment had fallen to 91 students from a high of 400, it and the 2 remaining schools in the adjoining town of Shelton, CT will combine in one school with a combined enrollment of approx 350. In the early 1970s there were more than 1500 students in Shelton parochial elementary schools.
Being run by a diocese yields economies of scale not enjoyed by yeshivos. There are systems in place to share purchasing, buying in larger quantities cost less. A central office supplies IT support, bookkeeping and curriculum functions.
The individual schools are usually in buildings on local church grounds. The parish takes care of landscaping, snowplowing, etc.