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Okay, you don’t like the Halachas of loshon hara and dan lechaf zechus. Got it.
Besides, you “don’t think” they would apply even if you did like them. Got that too. We’ll pasken Halachas how you “think”, and condemn anyone you “think” we should.
Because, after all, the FBI never arrests innocent people after an investigation. Why even the need for a trial? If the FBI has an investigation and makes an arrest, guilty! Lock ’em up and throw away the key! Court is a waste of time.
I mean, all those stories you hear of innocent people who were falsely convicted and years or decades later, after they spent years or decades in jail, and then were retroactively exonerated? Those are all bubbe maaisas! So what there’s another such innocent wrongly convicted story breaking almost every day. So what that for every falsely convicted that comes to light there’s probably another ten that are still rotting in prison despite being falsely convicted and not exonerated.
That these families weren’t even tried yet? Guilty. Throw away the key.