Reply To: Requesting information about frumteens and R’ Yaakov Shapiro (hear me out mods!)

Home Forums Controversial Topics Requesting information about frumteens and R’ Yaakov Shapiro (hear me out mods!) Reply To: Requesting information about frumteens and R’ Yaakov Shapiro (hear me out mods!)


Syag, one thing anyone who knows Rav Shapiro shlita’s writings, responses and talks can absolutely verify for you, he is the last person in the world to tell people what they want to hear. He famously will give the full Torah position in whatever issue is being discussed, even if that might make Torah Judaism seem very strict to someone secular or modern orthodox. Whether he’ll tell teens and tweens that have a boyfriend/girlfriend the absolute prohibition of having even a “platonic” friend of the opposite gender or someone enamoured with the State of Israel the Torah violations of Zionism, he certainly will not hide the Torah position to anyone who might not like what they hear.