Reply To: Sefardim own Ashkenazim

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Avram in MD

Avi K,

using the word “Yid” (“Jew” in Jargon, a.k.a. pidgin German) is not only Sephardi-bashing


but mimicking Archie Bunker, who also called us that.

Nah, he said “Yid” (rhymes with squid) rather than “Yid” (rhymes with deed). Joking aside, perhaps the most common anti-Semitic perjorative is “Jew.” Would you therefore argue that we should stop calling ourselves Jews?

Let the dead non-language rest in pieces (there is Polish Jargon, Hungarian Jargon, etc.)

If this is typical of the respect shown to Ashkenazic Jewish traditions, then it is no wonder that Chareidim cannot integrate well within Israeli society.