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Please stop repeating the same silliness.
Many people need ongoing healthcare. Those with diabetes need regular insulin, an ER does not provide that.
While Regular insulin is fairly cheap , there are other ongoing treatments not provided by ERs that are prohibitively expensive for many.

And as mentioned while the ER will treat the pt for say a heartattack, the patient will sstill be hounded with a likely 30- $50,000 bill afterwards plus medications that need to be taken, f/u etc that he ER will not cover

Regardign your first 2 points

1) “The government should pay for it” is a euphemism for “other people should be forced to pay for it.””

Yes, obviously. I explicitly pointed that out in a comment.

2) Universal, affordable health care is a myth. …”
Im sorry but youve been lied to. In fact Universal healthcare is the standard throughout much of the civilized world (and some uncivilized as well)
and dont get me started on the nonsense that is this line “Universal healthcare and universal healthcare insurance are two different things. America already has, and has had for many many decades, universal healthcare. “