Reply To: Yeshiva homeschool?


The Yeshiva guys out there will better answer your questions- but in general, most people learning in Yeshiva are not learning for semicha- they are learning gemara, not shulchan aruch/halacaha. there are special programs/kollels for those who want to study for semicha, for example to become a Rav or Rabbinical Judge.
Generally, yeshivos for adults are not structured like college and don’t have grades and tests or official courses. The day is broken up into 3 parts- or sedorim- morning, afternoon and night. Most of that time is spent learning a specific tractate of Gemara in pairs with a study partner. There can also be a daily shiur given by the Rosh Yeshiva on the Gemara that the pair prepared. There are some kollels that do have some sort of test and will give a stipend or bonus based on performance. And there are global organizations, like Dirshu -not affiliated with a particular yeshiva- that encourage men to learn independently according to a certain program, and then administer tests periodically. there is usually some sort of financial reward for those who do well on the test.