Reply To: Trump Fires Comey 🎺πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Home Forums In The News Trump Fires Comey 🎺πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Reply To: Trump Fires Comey 🎺πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


“but before you denigrate the President of the US in a public forum, you should base it on facts.”

1. Last I checked it is stilll a free country. Just like Trump was free to criticize Obama based on conspiracy theories therby dabbling in politics which led u s to today, I am free to do the same.

2. This thread was why Trump fired Comey. the reason I gave has been confirmed by donald himself, Im not sure how much more factual you can get.

3. Youre question was regarding Trump’s inner thinking. I assumed it was obvious that no person can actually know and thus you were asking me to make an educated guess. Im sorry if I in any way insinuated that any of my reasons wre based on fact (in fact some were contradictory)

4. Trump has been in the limelight pretty long. He isnt some new -comer to the public stage. The truth is Trump doesnt think far ahead. He has said this in several interviews over the years. Thus reason number 1 is likely the correct one and is (more that the others) based on fact.