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While many of your comments are tongue in cheek, they are usually not offensive or simply untrue. Well, you finally fell into that. I happen to know quite a few frum doctors, and their shmiras Shabbos is as good as anyone else’s. I also know many other people whose shmiras Shabbos leaves much to be desired, and they are counted among Klai Kodesh, and the gamut of professional and non-professional careers. They span the spectrum of Chassidishe and Litvishe groups. Any effort to malign doctors is not just inaccurate, but a blatant attack on some people who are moseir nefesh for Klal Yisroel without compromising on Torah values or halacha. Your comment undeniably crossed into the boundaries of hilchos lashon horah.
As with any other career, there are challenges to overcome. HKB”H created each of to live a shuman being and face these challenges, not as mal’achim who never encounter such nisyonos. As for percentages how many withstand the nisyonos, there is no data on how they group as different careers. My quite varied experience finds no predominance of any career regarding the nisyonos of Hilchos Shabbos.