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The little I know


I reread that comment. I do NOT trash Gedolei Yisroel. A real gadol does NOT give advice regarding subjects he does not know. It is the ignorant public that pushes the Rav to advise on medical subjects. But their advice there is actually lay knowledge, not Daas Torah. And it is unfortunate that this is a sizable portion of the “Daas Torah” that gets flaunted today. Have you heard the “Daas Torah” that gets attention in cases of marital discord, mental illness, addiction, even chinuch? Anyone can have opinions, but it does not become worthy of being “expertise” or “Daas Torah” until it is based on a body of learned information and experience. This is why I wish rabbonim were consulted on many areas, but that they should reject the questions in areas where they lack the information and experience. This is why the Agudah created a mechanism that offers such education opportunities for rabbonim of various subjects so that they are not “talking though their rabbinical hats”.

As for the Daas Torah regarding chinuch, I suggest you examine the many seforim now available from experts and gedolim. I dare you to question whether there was any lack of expertise among the following: Rav Gamliel Rabinovich, Rav Ovadia Yosef, Chazon Ish, Rav Pam, Slonimer Rebbe, Rav Shach, and Rav Wolbe. None of them intruded into areas in which they had not been informed and experienced. Look at what they said about yeshivos, chinuch, and parenting.

It is not about a world view. I do not fix cars because I really know very little about that. The Rabbonim whose “Daas Torah” is being flaunted in the other thread are not the caliber of recognized Gedolei Yisroel like the list in the previous paragraph. I bet those rabbonim know a lot more than I do, but not enough to be the expert in absolutely everything. As long as they are within their domain of expertise, I listen and follow. When they are pushed to creep outside that, they are no better than the next bloke who knows much less Torah than them.