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2. “in a free market for water competition would do the job.”
Im not sure what you mean by “would do the job” that isnt my question
My question is if I am halachicly allowed to make as much profit as I can?
“The article also brings Rav Soloveichik, the Beit Efraim (C.M. 26) and the Tel Aviv Beit Din (Piskei Din Rabbaniyim 4:9-32) as disagreeing.”
It doesnt. Again, you seem to read sources you cite (thsi is at least the 4th time you have done htis)
From the Article “The Rav insisted that in America there are no restrictions on competition,” We arent talking about in America, we arent talking about today. We are talkign according to the Torah. (though at least you seem to acknowledge that even to day the vast majority of poskim disagree with you)
Of course a Dayan must understand intracacies of buisness Im not sure how that is relevant.