Reply To: ANOTHER shocking LETTER published IN the VOICE of LAKEWOOD

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues ANOTHER shocking LETTER published IN the VOICE of LAKEWOOD Reply To: ANOTHER shocking LETTER published IN the VOICE of LAKEWOOD


@chaya13, I am wondering why your post is relevant to the topic at hand. The writer clearly states that she has proof of actual abuse. Although there may be times to caution some, by putting your thoughts on this thread, you are invalidating the points that were made.
This is a difficult and painful topic that is for the most part swept under the carpet. It is so hard to get results. And the way that ‘mechanchim’ can stay in denial is precisely by going according to your belief that sometimes people make stuff up. This belief is preventing necessary action for these horrible and detrimental situations.
The writer was courageous to bring this out to the open. Lets use this forum to promote awareness about bullying that is actually happening so that we don’t ruin precious neshamos.
The fact that you write that you are a mechanech makes all us parents feel that much more helpless and hopeless that you can read this post and really not ‘get it’.
I hope you can see the other side so that we can start trusting our mechanchim such as you.