Reply To: Sefardim own Ashkenazim

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cholent guy

Avi K, I would say that if you believe that Yiddish should no longer be spoken, we should also stop learning Talmud Bavli, being that is “pidgen Babylonian” ( Your faux intellectual venee vocabularyr is cute if self humiliating). As for Jew, I don’t know about your apocryphal reference of
Rav Kook ZTL, but Mordechai is called a Yehudi in the Megillah. As for Yiddish being a dead language, there is no question in my mind whatsoever that Yiddish has a faster growth rate than Hebrew does. Note that I am not opposed to Hebrew, I’m just stating a reasonable opinion. Are you like a self hating Ashkenazi? Why are you so opposed to the language spoken by so many Gedolim in everyday life and shiurim? The language that the Lubavitcher Rebbe Zatzal spoke? I assume you’re an Ashkenazi, only because I can’t imagine the hatred for Yiddish coming from a Sephardi. I apologize if this comes across as uncivil, but I ask the Mods to approve it if only because Reb K is being disrespectful to every Chassid and every other Litvisher Yid. Your calling the Ashkenazi pronunciation “galut hebrew” is also disrespectful. By that standard, the Gemara is Galut Torah (indeed, there are some
(who shall not be named here) who actually assert this!) Please have some respect for your fellow Yidden and their long held Minhagim before you submit your next comment. Incidentally, why do you think so many Sephardi Chareidm wear black hats if they’re so much better? Are they Uncle Aryehs? Have they internalized Ashkenazi normativity?