Reply To: cost of living for a young couple in lakewood

Home Forums Money & Finance cost of living for a young couple in lakewood Reply To: cost of living for a young couple in lakewood


The largest employers for frum women seem to be medical billing businesses and LTC Senior Planning. If you have friends in Lakewood you can inquire what the pay scale is. You seem to know what the rents are already.

Your next big budget item is medical insurance. Are there children? Costs for a family are higher than for a couple, If you are below a certain age you may still be on your parent’s plan. What would med insurance cost if the employer offers a plan? Do you qualify for Medicaid/ NJ Family Care?
If you have children you must figure on child care costs which can be significant.
If you have a car, remember auto insurance and maintenance.

I agree you can live normally on 30k. or even less if you are careful and not extravagant. Do you HAVE to buy prepared and convenience foods? Carry a smart phone with data plan? etc etc. Everyone has their own standard of living.

If you earn more than your basic cost of living do not forget taxes and maaser, and saving/investing regularly for your future goals, like buying a house, kids’ chasunos.
