Reply To: Halachic army

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anon1m0us,avi K,
Would Dovid violate Devarim 17;16-17??
The mishna based upon it states a monarch is permitted to have כדי מרכבתו
which we could presume to mean an honor guard, as most monarchs and emperors had in the past.
We can further presume that they were also his cadre of officers for when the nation commonwealth were mobilized.

The armed forces were citizen-soldiers serving together with their own shevet/provincial regimental colors..

“There is no country on the face of the earth to which the principle of citizen-soldiership is so well adapted as our own, for the freedom possessed by Britons is of so general and real a character as to cause the humblest in the land to feel deeply the neccessity of preserving the safety and independence of the nation of which he is a part”

The Volunteer’s book of facts 1863