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thats becasue we follow the Rema that we say Kiddush LEvana through half of an average halachic synodic lunar month. Halichly a lunarmonth is taken to be 29 days 12 hours and 793 chalakim this is the time between molad to molad. Half of that is 14 days 18 hours 396.5 chalakim. this is how long after the molad one can recite Kidush LEvana.
If you add this to the time to the molad ie Tuesday 10:44 AM + 14 days 18 hours 396 chalkim (22minutes) = Wed Morning 5:06 AM 22 minutes (though note that is Yerushalyim time) this is the last time for kiddush levana according to the Rema

Now that I think of it y question works according to the Rema as well as we can see with our eyes that the actual molad occurs 11 hours before the one metioned in shul. why doesnt this change the end time for kiddush levana