Reply To: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night?

Home Forums Local New York City What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night? Reply To: What Happened With Ezras Nashim In Boro Park On Monday Night?


TB48 – “Health, I don’t think you are anything close to a medical professional. You seem to have lots of time on your hands even answering yeshiva world CR posts sometimes within minutes, and your constant tit for tat and bashing definitely doesn’t make me believe otherwise”

Says who? You?
I love these guys that come out of the woodwork.
Hey Mister – ever hear of retirement?
Did you finish High School yet?

“You seem to have an agenda and a mission, come out and show us your name, your face, and some guts”

Like the old saying – you first!
Unless you’re scared.