Reply To: If you can go to war at 18, you should be able to drink at 18

Home Forums Rants If you can go to war at 18, you should be able to drink at 18 Reply To: If you can go to war at 18, you should be able to drink at 18


Personally I think you should only be allowed to vote if you pay taxes
Imagine what this country would be like if people who worked actually controlled the money and not the other way around

and Daas
I’m aware that you initially wrote commercial airline, which implies the need for a license which has an age restriction
I only wrote that a 3 year old can pilot a plane, which is true. There is no age restriction on piloting with a licensed pilot sitting next to you. Which I found extremely ironic and somewhat amusing when my 10 year old nephew came home from a chol hamoed trip to the airport having just flown a cirrus. I’m told he did very well.