Reply To: What would you say? – Hilchos Brochos

Home Forums Bais Medrash What would you say? – Hilchos Brochos Reply To: What would you say? – Hilchos Brochos


The problem with rice is that we do have a machlokes poskim as to what the brocha rishona is. LU wrote above that if you make an AHL HAMICHYA you are b’dieved yotzei, just like making an AHL HAEITZ for an apple one is yotzei b’dieved.

As to clarifying a safeik, you discussed with your LOR and he advised that in this situation one would make another brocha. Why did you to ask another LOR after you received an answer? However, at this point you have 2 LOR’s saying make a new brocha and one saying no. Do we follow the ROV (majority)?