Reply To: What would you say? – Hilchos Brochos

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Why did you to ask another LOR after you received an answer

By the time I asked the Shailah, it wasn’t relevant anymore. I was asking out of interest to clarify the Halachah, not for practical purposes. I chanced upon the shailah in a contemporary sefer who doesn’t rule definitively. I asked one Rav who said to make a new brocho; I don’t understand that psak. I discussed it with a different Rav who wasn’t sure, but eventually said that he thinks you’d have to make a new brocho. Somebody who was with me when the shailah arose asked his own Rav, who said not to make a new brocho.

However, at this point you have 2 LOR’s saying make a new brocha and one saying no. Do we follow the ROV (majority)?

The Halachah is בדאורייתא הלך אחר המחמיר, בדרבנן הלך אחר המיקל when it comes to Machlokes, unless you have a Rav who you are mekabel as your authority and are aware of his shittos and follow him in ‘רוב דיני התורה’. The exception to this rule is when one of them is גדול ממנו בחכמה ובמנין – in this case, that would be the Rav who paskened to make the brocho.